Complete Your Mobilize Profile

Maker Faire Global utilizes the Mobilize communication platform be using this platform to keep you updated on program news, events, activities, and Maker Faire Global programs.

Mobilize also has a directory function, whereby you can search and identify and even message other producers, or groups of producers, in the Network.  For example—you might want to reach out to other Maker Faire organizers in your state, other library-sponsored Maker Faires, a Producer in a city where you are traveling, etc.

Mobilize is like a high powered list serve or email group.  You can use it passively from your In Box, or you can login and leverage it’s capabilities further.

You will belong to at least two Sub-Groups or Rooms (the Global one, and then a continent or country or language one), and then you can join any Topic Rooms you like.

Maker Faire will send you an invitation to Mobilize.  Please accept this invitation and log in and complete your profile.  If you haven’t received one, please go ahead and register at

For more info on how to use Mobilize, check their Help Center and watch this Hangout we did with Nina from the Mobilize team: