The Annual License Renewal Cycle

Maker Faires are generally operated on an annual cycle.  After completing the post-event tasks your team will be invited to share information about your next event cycle.

We do ask that this information is provided 10 months before your next event so that we are able to prevent a gap in the license cycle.

If your agreement has expired and you need to renew for 2018, please complete this “License and Set-Up” form.

If your agreement is still active for another event year, please complete this Update Form so that we stay in touch with any leadership or contact information changes, as well as understand dates and venue information.

Critical to the renewal cycle is a “core team” video call with one or more members of the Maker Media Maker Faire team.  We strive for that meeting to serve as an opportunity to build relationships, meet new team members, and talk with senior organizational leadership.  The standard agenda is 1) introductions, 2) review of Post Event Survey data, 3) review of websites and social media feeds, 4) discussion around challenges, 5) articulation of goals for next event.

You can schedule your annual “core team” video call at

Any questions, please message us at